Total Weight Gain: Going on 15-20 pounds. I've really packed on the weight here the last few months.
How big is baby: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 pounds; about the size of a honeydew (according to the bump). My Dr is guessing he's around 7 lbs at this point.
Maternity Clothes: My maternity dresses (from Target) are my most comfortable clothes right now. You can catch me wearing them at least once if not twice a week now.
Stretch Marks: None on the belly!
Sleep: I get the best sleep when the hubs is at work and I get the entire bed to toss/turn/roll around in throughout the night.
Best moment this week: Finding out from my Dr that I've been having some contractions and that my cervix is starting to thin out.
Movement: Like crazy and he's still mostly moving up in/around my ribs!
Food Cravings: Ice Cream & honeydew melon (funny since that's what thebump compares his size too right now).
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks contractions (although they aren't really labor signs) are being felt often and according to the Dr my cervix is starting to thin out which eventually leads me to labor.
Belly button in or out: Still barely an innie.
What I miss: Sleep and a back that doesn't ache so badly.
What am I looking forward to: Having this little boy on the outside of my body instead of on the inside.
Milestones: "Baby's skin is getting smooth and soft, her gums are rigid, her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Her lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day she gets a little closer to breathing on her own." (from
A picture to come later (hopefully).

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