Total Weight Gain: Haven't been keeping track here closer to the end.
How big is baby: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 pounds; about the size of a honeydew.
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing mostly my regular clothes (shirts at least) and I've started wearing my maternity pants weekly now (along with my regular pants that I keep waiting to get too small).
Stretch Marks: If I've made it this long without getting any, hopefully I can make it the other 6 weeks without getting any ::fingers crossed::.
Sleep: My body pillow still seems to be helping with my sleep.
Best moment this week: Nothing great stands out so far this week.
Movement: All the time & mostly in my ribs.
Food Cravings: Craving me some ice cream now that the weather is getting warmer as well as still wanting fresh fruit.
Labor Signs: None that I know of.
Belly button in or out: Still an innie but probably not for much longer.
What I miss: Sleep.
What am I looking forward to: Looking forward to getting the crib (IL's are buying this for us) and getting it setup. Looking forward to finishing Jackson's room and getting things "to their place."
Milestones: "Baby can recognize and react to simple songs...time to start practicing your lullabies! In fact, baby will recognize frequently sung tunes after birth and probably find them soothing. Less cute news: She now urinates about one pint per day. Get the diapers ready." (from

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