

 BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, October 29, 2010

I have to apologize for my absence here, but you'll understand why after you read this...

The word is finally out! The moment I've been waiting for...
The hubs didn't quiet believe this one so he asked me to get the digital kind... 
He believed it after this one :P
Welcome to the womb world baby Potter. 
The hubs and I have known since middle September (I knew two weeks before we decided to test...he didn't really believe me until he seen the test!) and we finally seen the dr today. It's been hard to hold in the news for that long, but it was worth it! We got to see baby Potter today and heard the (very fast) heartbeat. It was amazing to see and hear. My most memorable part of the visit was seeing the little one nod it's head up & down. :)

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